Creative Technologist
Hi! I create digital experiences that are playful and memorable.
Generate, host and maintain a static version of your existing website with ease.
Automatically generate on-brand business cards, social media posts, email signatures and more based on your logo. Built using Vue.js and Node.js
My blog about various things related to design, reaching over 10,000 designers a week.
I co-own Firecannon, an app studio where we've made games that have been played by nearly a million people. I was the lead designer and developer in these:
University of Queensland
Chief Design Officer for the best Static Web CDN.
Working as a contractor on Drupal websites for a range of state government departments including NSW, Victoria, and WA.
Web and App Developer. Inventing new app ideas, and taking them all the way from concept to execution.
Founder and Owner. Participant in UQ Ventures' ilab program. Received funding.
UX Designer/Developer
Software Engineer. Worked on the UQ Drupal platform.
Design: Adobe Creative Suite. UX and UI Design, Web Design, Logo Design, Print Design
Front-End Web Dev: HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, Vue.js, jQuery, Angular, Bootstrap
Back-End Web Dev: Node.js, PHP, Drupal, Wordpress, Laravel / Voyager, mySQL, Database design
Workflow: Git, SVN, Jira, npm, Composer
Other Programming: Unity / C#, Flutter
Marketing: Google Analytics, SEO, Google Ads, Google AdSense
Total $1,000,000.00
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I hope my unique-looking website delighted and inspired you. This receipt does not entitle you to 4 cents per litre off your next fuel purchase.
© Nick Georgiou 2022